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The tape broke and he fell to his knees, collapsing in exhaustion. The time was announced to a large, silent crowd, waiting in great anticipation...3 minutes, 59.4 seconds! The unreachable had finally been achieved. Roger Bannister became the first person ever to run a mile in less than four minutes. What was once thought to be impossible, became possible on May 6, 1954. Within the next three years, a total of sixteen runners achieved the same goal. As a lifelong runner, this is my favorite example of the power of goal setting. The obvious lesson, of course, is that we can achieve great things if we put our minds to it. It may also be fair to say that our limiting beliefs can get in our way, if we allow them to.

Goal setting is nothing new.  Many people set goals on a regular basis.  The challenge is getting them to stick. Have you ever noticed how many people invest in gym memberships in January?  What typically happens by February? That's right, they stop going.  What happened? The intention was there.  The goal to lose weight or "get in shape" had been established. Yet, the passion faded, and rather quickly at that. 

Here are some suggestions to help you set attainable goals and achieve them.

First, a goal not written down and shared with others is merely a dream or a wish.  Studies show, that those that write down their goals, look at them often and share them with others are more likely to achieve them, by a huge margin.  We see it, first hand, over and over again in our training. Next, make sure your goals are aligned with things that are important to YOU, not to someone else. Think about what those goals will bring you, what changes will occur in your life and how that will fit with your most important values. If done properly, you will determine what you want to become and the steps you will need to get you there.

In conclusion, remember to write your goals down, look at them often, tell people about them and most of all make sure your goals are things that mean something to you. You can achieve great things if you put your mind to it. So what are you waiting for?

Get started now to achieve something great. You have the power to achieve the unthinkable in your life.

Click here to register for our 2014 Goal Setting Workshop, Dec 17th from 8am-3pm.

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